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Your Lasik Experience
First, schedule a refractive consult appointment. Dr. Weir and a highly-trained clinician will discuss all options with you.
Diagnostic Tests
The next step involves a series of diagnostic tests to determine whether your eyes are suitable for the treatment. The basic procedure is exactly the same as with standard LASIK, except that the diagnostic tests are more complex, and with custom Zyoptix, your own special treatment program is created specifically for you.
Your vision has to be stable for at least two years before being considered for treatment. Your surgeon may contact your optician, GP or ophthalmologist. The appointment may last two hours. After testing is complete, the surgeon will discuss the results with you.

Vision Tests
To make sure you have the right prescription, your vision will be re-tested.

Pupil Size
People with large pupils who have had laser eye surgery often complain of halos and glare. The surgeon will determine if your pupils are the right size and fall into the right parameters.

Corneal Mapping
The Orbscan® anterior segment analysis system measures the shape of the cornea and allows Dr. Cavanaugh to determine if you are suitable for laser eye treatment and that your eyes are healing.

Corneal Thickness
It is vital to check if your cornea is thick enough for Zyoptix. If you wear contact lenses, you may need to manage without them for up to 4 weeks (depending on the type of lenses) to eliminate any corneal swelling and to make sure the surgeon can get an accurate measurement.
Zywave™ Aberrometer takes detailed wavefront measurements of your eyes' optics. A drop is put into your eye, opening up the pupil to make sure all necessary information is recorded. After this test, a drop will be given to let your pupil return to its usual size. The Custom Technolas™ Zyoptix treatment combines the Bausch & Lomb Orbscan Topography with the Bausch & Lomb Zywave™ aberrometry to help Dr. Weir design the best treatment plan unique to your own “visual fingerprint”.
Exam for Eye Disease
You will be checked to see if your eyes are healthy. This will include measuring your intraocular pressure and examining your cornea and retina. Your surgeon may ask you and/or your GP about your health as certain diseases mean that laser treatment cannot be performed.
On the Day of Your LASIK Surgery
LASIK is an outpatient procedure that requires no injections, stitches, or needles. On the day of your LASIK procedure, you should arrive at our Oklahoma City office about an hour in advance of your scheduled time to check in and be prepared for surgery.
Eye Drops
Once the area around your eyes has been thoroughly cleaned, you will receive anesthetic eye drops that completely numb your eyes to make sure you feel no pain. You will lay face up on a laser bed and your eyelids will be kept open to make sure they don't get in the way of the laser beam. Dr. Weir will perform the surgery and the treatment should be over in a few minutes.
The laser treatment consists of three basic procedures:
1) Creating the Flap
2) The Laser Correction
3) Replacing the Flap
1) Creating the flap:
An extremely precise instrument, called a microkeratome, is used to create a flap in the outer surface of the cornea. To promote the safety and comfort of his patients, Dr. Weir uses the Hansatome microkeratome, the most advanced and trusted microkeratome available. The corneal flap folded back out of the way. This procedure is generally painless although you may feel a very mild pressure from the vacuum pump. To calm you, we have a clinician holding your hand and talking to you throughout the entire procedure.
2) The Laser Correction:
Once the flap has been created, Dr. Weir will be able to access the misshapen cornea tissue underneath. Flaws in the shape of the cornea are responsible for most visual errors. Using the extraordinarily precise Technolas™ Zyoptix excimer laser, Dr. Weir will reshape your cornea according to the data collected during your initial pre-LASIK exam. Because the laser is programmed to treat corneal flaws based on an extremely detailed analysis of your specific eye, your Custom Zyoptix LASIK procedure will be precisely tailored to your visual “fingerprint”, increasing your chances of achieving drastically improved vision.
The laser is programmed with your unique treatment instructions. The surgeon aligns your eye under the laser and asks you to stare at a red light. The laser's Eyetracker visually locks on to your pupil. The laser treatment begins and usually lasts for two minutes. During the procedure, the Eyetracker will compensate for even the tiniest movement in your eyes to ensure completely accurate treatment.
3) Replacing the Flap:
The actual LASIK procedure requires only a minute or two per eye, after which the corneal flaps will be returned to place and left to heal without the need for stitches. Dr. Weir will perform one more final check on your eyes under a second microscope in the surgery suite.
What happens after the treatment?
After the procedure, your vision will be tested and you will be given medication to prevent infection and/or dry eyes. You will receive eye shields to prevent you from rubbing your eyes while asleep and sunglasses to protect your eyes from strain because they will be sensitive to bright light for a short time.
Although most patients will be able to see well enough to drive following the procedure, it is best to arrange for someone to drive you to and from your appointment, as well as to and from your follow-up appointment with Dr. Weir the day following your surgery.
During the follow-up, Dr. Weir examines your eyes to assess the results of your LASIK procedure. You may feel some slight post-operative discomfort in the 24 hours following surgery, and your vision may require several months to fully stabilize, however, you should notice an improvement in your vision almost immediately.
Post Operative Care
The next day, when you go for your first post-operative check-up, you should have very good vision. But no matter how well you feel or how pleased you are with your eyesight immediately after treatment, it is extremely important to follow your surgeon's instructions with regard to medication and general eye-care. You must attend all post-operative visits at day one, one week, one month and three months after treatment - and possibly at six and twelve months, too.
To learn more about refractive errors, the revolutionary Technolas™ Zyoptix system, and world-class LASIK, please read the technology page of our web site. If you have any further questions or would like to schedule an appointment to find out if you are a suitable candidate to undergo LASIK , please contact Weir Laser Associates today.
You will be prescribed antibiotics andsteroid eye drops for approximately 5 - 7 days. Artificial tears asneeded for the first month.
What to Expect in the First Month
Fluctuating vision with progressive clearing over the next few weeks
Dimmer vision indoors or at night compared to outside or in bright lights
Glare and halos around lights at night
Dry Eyes and occasional scratchiness
Possible need for reading glasses if you are over 40
No rubbing the eye(s) for 2 months
No eye make-up for 3-4 days – You may resume moisturizer and/or foundation after your 1 day post op visit
Wear goggles over eye(s) at bedtime for 1 week
You may bathe or shower but avoid direct water or shampoo in eyes
No swimming for 2 weeks
Avoid lakes, oceans, hot tubs, and saunas for 1 month
Avoid dusty or dirty environments
Protect your eye from the sun and wind